Think amateur: “one who ardently engages in something, for love.
Of course, it also means “skill set in progress.”
Do you remember Ted Mack’s mid-century “Amateur Hour?” If not, imagine “America’s Got Talent” meets “So You Think You Can Dance” — but in black and white, mono vs stereo, with minimal sets and lighting. Each hopeful celebrant steps up, giving their all despite first-timer heebie-jeebies. Jim-jams. Screaming meemies.
Love the lingo, if not the sensation. But public emergence? Me? Not so much. As you may have read in my last post, God seems to be coaxing me out of my cave. In the process, I get to practice learning to laugh at, about, and with myself. Sometimes, almost beside myself.
So maybe we should switch out “emergence” for effervescence. After all, we’re to rejoice in the Lord our God in everything we put our hand to (Deut. 12:18b).
In that spirit, I’m sharing the link to my first podcast — on camera: an interview with Riley Bounds, calm, genial, thoughtful editor of Solum.
The interview during which I discover . . .
a new soapbox sturdy enough, perhaps, to support the weight of a growing passion,
how to look 30 years younger for 38 minutes and 53 seconds (thank you, Zoom!).
The same interview after which I learn . . .
how vain I still am,
why a person must laugh over accidentally channeling a slo-mo, dashboard bobblehead (we all have a visual go-to-focus, while thinking: mine’s upward and to the left; what’s yours?).
I also learned when to exchange chairs minutes before going live (never!): your carefully rehearsed eye contact skews and you will earnestly address everyone’s hairline.
BUT: if you wonder how “I Love You, Lord” rolled into this world, then crossed and re-crossed it, multiple times, over 48 years,
or why every creature in my latest book speaks, including the house,
or c’mon, why poetry? . . .
. . . this one’s for you.
“It’s out there,” a beloved father figure once explained to me, “as long as there are electrons.”
First-timer, amateur effort notwithstanding.
Friends, much as I hope to stir your heart and meet your gaze . . . your hairline may tingle, ever so slightly.
Friends, if you’re stepping up to, or into, something uncomfortable, how might I pray for you?
P.S. In the high-tech swirl of “algae-rithms,” a click or comment makes a difference, even if you only have time to watch part of the podcast. Fellow writers, my favorite moment? It’s Riley’s: time stamp 38:13.
Photo by Marcela Rogante on Unsplash
Author photo by Dean Davis Photography
That’s my momma! What a stellar, real, gracious and honest interview. What a humble light you are. So proud of you!
Hey everyone, that’s my girl, always encouraging others. Thanks for cherishing me in so many ways, love. I am beyond-honored, being your friend and momma.
oh, how I love this!! Can’t wait to watch and listen and be encouraged.
Yay, God. Yay, you!
Jody, your enthusiasm reaches right through my screen. Thank you, and thank you for sharing it on Substack! So generous. Love you, my friend.
Congratulations of the bold and risky kind ♥ “As long as you have breath…” and words that sway like poetry. Proud of you, friend.
Nancy, I have to chuckle. I’ve never thought myself “bold and risky” . . . which makes me wonder, Why not?
Your joyful encouragement has directed me toward taking personal inventory, bound to be a good path, my friend. Thank you!
Wonderful interview. Thank you for your kind words. Ours is a gift I never would have asked for or expected. Isn’t that just like God?
The writing of poetry is a spiritual discipline. AMEN. Not all poetry is this. Yours is.
Susan, thank you for watching it! And thank you for your encouraging words. The gift God has entrusted to us feels rare and wondrous every time we connect.
Riley is wonderfully wise. In addition to the writing of poetry, he believes that “submitting the work” is a spiritual discipline. Whoa. That’s lighting up my pinball noggin big time. A fresh M.O. grounded in love . . .
How delightful to SEE you and HEAR you, Laurie! And in the few minutes I listened just now, your wisdom was already shining forth! I’ll be returning when I can enjoy this in its entirety. ‘Especially looking forward to hearing the story behind “I Love You Lord.” Such delightful memories of singing this worship song with our praise team years ago. To this day I find myself humming the song, in moments of impromptu worship. P.S. I DO remember the Amateur Hour! My grandmother used to watch that program. And do you know what else popped into my head? One of their sponsors was Geritol! I had to ask her what that was! 😁
Hi Nancy, and thank you! I hope you enjoy the rest of the podcast. I love retelling the ILY,L story. Thanks for telling me you still hum the tune. That sends my hand to my heart in wonder.
Nana LOVED Ted Mack and Lawrence Welk. I think she took Geritol, too! Red label, brown bottle?