EPIPHANY, January 6, 2025: Enter Dreamer, one daughter, three grandkids, and yours truly . . . PLUS . . . a visitation. No, not the Magi. We began our day scouting Christmas Eve treats the children left out, last month, for the neighborhood wildlings. The leftovers were re-scattered close to the house. Then we shivered … [Read More...]
I’m Laurie, a contemplative writer, musician and artist, who helps distracted, heart-weary people refocus on God in creative ways that spark hope and wholeness.

Black Sheep: Between Noels, Part IV
Black sheep? Moi? Oh yes. Sometimes. During childhood I cradled my stuffed counterpart, complete with music box. Amid adolescence I perched it atop the desk … [Read More...]
Between Noels: Part III
Welcome to “Between Noels: Part III” Have you seen my alter-ego? I call her Eeyore, after the classic Pooh character: a morose, self-pitying donkey … [Read More...]
Oasis: Between Noels, Part II
Dear friends, we are between Noels, past and pending. Welcome to “Oasis: Between Noels, Part II.” Errands . . . gatherings . . . holiday lists . . . To … [Read More...]
Little Things: Between Noels, Part I
Little things . . . Once upon a yard, I collected maple samaras. Ladybugs. Pea-sized mystery-spheres I found under … [Read More...]
Turbulence & a Trail of Crumbs
I stumble into it— amid the chaotic, semi-darkness of dread. During a week of wars and rumors of war, political mayhem, … [Read More...]
Statio: Any Given Moment
Statio: Latin, noun . . . Wait, let me begin again, in English. And let's take the scenic route. Take that mystery … [Read More...]
Called by Name
Called by Name Sometimes a story comes my way. It’s not about me. And then, somehow, it is. When I pay attention, a … [Read More...]
Portrait: Dean Davis Photography