Hinge point: It’s my blog’s 2 1/2 year mark. I’m trying something new. Let me know what you think?
Introducing . . . ONE-MINUTE WONDERS:
- 1 snapshot
- 100-some words
- 1 minute of your time
Hinge: A flexible point of connection that allows relative movement.
Hinges squeal. Our old rattle-scrap screen door heaves and judders.
His sleeve cinched between door and jamb, the kid roars: “Let. Me. Go-o-o-o!”
He’s livid. And bigger than me. He’ll punch through the mesh any second. Then kill me. And then it’ll be me, the girl memorialized in the family album viewed with sighs, and shaken heads. “Always the stubborn one.”
Still, I’m leaning backward now, death-gripping cloth, white-knuckling the knob. Sweaty, panting, we glare at each other.
He’s my brother. We share a genetic axis. We are self-contained yet revolve around each other.
Who will pivot?
“You’re such a—” My scathing comeback erupts into hiccups. He snickers.
Despite anger’s corrosion, its grinding wear-and-tear . . .
. . . laughing, I open the door.
Sooner or later, everything hinges on grace.
Mirth diffuses defiance. How has unexpected humor released you?
You might also enjoy: Amazing Grace: Cyber Refresh
And for a genius-in-motion, world-class hinge: watch the Burke Brise Soleil, Milwaukee Art Museum (1:00)
Read about rear-pivot hydraulic cylinders and rod-eye hinges here.