Dwell . . . on the LEDGE? That can’t be right.
I want off!
Worry has me on robo-call.
It knows my address.
What am I dwelling on? Upcoming (and unnerving) opportunities to present my book, House of 49 Doors: Entries in a Life. How do I “rest in the Lord” while also braving the little dog-and-pony show (read, generating publicity), which authors must face?
The learning curve feels like Everest! There’s a lot one can DO to promote a new title.
And I have questions: First, there’s this:
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” (Col. 3:23) …
“God said, ‘This is the resting place, let the weary rest’ [as in, simply be] …
BUT they would not listen.
So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: ‘Do and do and do, here a little, there a little . . . ’” (Is. 28:12, 13).
Even more alarming, Isaiah’s warning continues, declaring those who refuse to rest will be “broken, ensnared, and captured by enemies.”
Do. Be. Two verbs. A dynamic duo. Like Martha and Mary of old, we alternate between them.
For me, lurching between these differing energies rekindles that foot-buzz friction point while engaging the clutch during driver’s ed.
What’s a person to do?
Homonyms to the rescue!
Did you know “dew” is also a verb? Fleeting, organic, refreshing — natural condensation (morning and evening) bejewels, or “dews,” everything in its path. Magnifying what’s real. Reflecting the light.
Sometimes, we need to dwell on the ledge. For a while. Next time I rev up to DO something, I’m going to picture tranquil, shimmering dew.
Meanwhile, I came up with this — D.W.E.L.L. — (acrostic self-talk) — to help me rest in God’s presence. With each slow inhale and exhale I silently hold in mind the following word(s) or syllable(s). Then I repeat, as needed.
Dwell on the Ledge:
Deep … breath / Deeper … still
Wait … now / Re- … fill
Em … brace / each ex- … hale
Let … go / Let … God lead
Love … is all!
Friends, what eases YOU on (or off ) the ledge?
Thank you for your prayers and thank you to those who ordered a book. Should you feel in-Kleined, a (sentence-or-two) reader review on Amazon would be of great help in getting word out about the book.
May I read you some of it? . . . See opportunities below:
Boot on ledge: Photo by Arūnas Naujokas on Unsplash
Confetti: erik-brolin-sp7ir7Xrs9U-unsplash
Klein photo: leaf with dew